Well today 16 years ago i was born,Its kinda special, i receive gifts, my family come to see me etc., But i dont actually feel that, Its like some kind of normal day. But i dont care, Im gonna yell from the window "Its My BIRTHDAY" :3
Im also about to get My driving License, Yup, and Now means i can drive. Im not such good at driving, i have to practice even more in stopping in the corners, I get Nervous When doing so.
So i dont have more to say, Well in pokemon i am still doing chains for shinys, But im getting bored, so if you need help getting a shiny, call me and i help you. (You gotta have something good to trade ¬_¬)
Happy Birthday! ^__^
lol i suck at driving
Everyone sucks, thats why nowdays there are many car accidents.